
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11311 From: bknighton28 Date: 4/8/2015
Subject: count units in kmotionCNC?

In the trajectory planner help screen it is described how to set up each axis in count units per inch. I tried 50 kflop step cycles per revolution / pitch but that was way too small. I tried larger numbers thinking that when I got close something would occur to me about the intention.  But nothing  On my 5mm pitch lead screw its somewhere over 6000 counts/inch but that doesn't ring a bell.  

What are counts?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 11313 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/8/2015
Subject: Re: count units in kmotionCNC?
Hi Bill,

"counts" on the Trajectory Planner are KFLOP Units.  In your case cycles.  In your case I believe the cycles/inch would be:

50cycles/5mm x 25.4mm/inch = 254 cycles/inch


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11314 From: bknighton28 Date: 4/8/2015
Subject: Re: count units in kmotionCNC?
had mm checked. oops.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11316 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/8/2015
Subject: Re: count units in kmotionCNC?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 11317 From: bknighton28 Date: 4/8/2015
Subject: Re: count units in kmotionCNC?
I was having some luck getting started with kmotionCNC but now it's stopped.  What is the normal procedure to start? Do I start kmotion first an run a c program that initializes things?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11320 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/8/2015
Subject: Re: count units in kmotionCNC?
Hi Bill,

Normally a User Button is created in KMotionCNC | Tool Setup | User Buttons to run a C program to fully configure and initialize your system.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11322 From: bknighton28 Date: 4/8/2015
Subject: Re: count units in kmotionCNC?
I have pointed the init button to the c init program that works for mach.  All axis DRO turn green but only the Z will work.  If I make a move on X or Y the dro values change as if they are working but there is no movement.  I have 2 snapamps if that matters.  
  Is there a way to make it always start in inch units?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11323 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/8/2015
Subject: Re: count units in kmotionCNC?
Hi Bill,

I can't think of why they wouldn't move.  Can you make some observations to see where the problem is?  If you open KMotion.exe and look at the Axis Screen does it say your Axes are enabled?  What modes are indicated?  Do the Destinations Change.  Are the SnapAmp fault lights off?  Are the Motors holding?

Under KMotionCNC | Tool Setup | Tool Setup Files | Setup File you can specify a file with settings ti initialize the G Code Interpreter.  You can edit the selected file or there should be already an example called Inches.set that you can select.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11326 From: bknighton28 Date: 4/8/2015
Subject: Re: count units in kmotionCNC?
opps again. I had InvDistPerCount left at 0.001 so my moves of 1" on XY were unnoticable.